Unwavering Integrity
We are committed to performing quality home inspections with integrity because your home is likely the biggest investment you will ever make. As a home buyer, you need to know that your home inspectors have no other priority but communicating the truths of the property's condition to you so that you can make intelligent and informed decisions.
It is an honor to be your home inspectors.
Buying a new home is complicated. There's a lot to do and it can be overwhelming. We can perform or arrange several services with one call to simplify the process and lessen some of the home buying stress.

Home Inspection
Our team of inspectors will thoroughly investigate your future home to advise you regarding any evidence of possible hidden defects. Let us help spare you unpleasant surprises later on.
Termite / Pest Inspection
Termites can drastically effect the structure and value of a home and most people do not know how to recognize the signs of termite activity. We can arrange for a highly experienced local termite company to inspect your home during our inspection at no cost to you.

Sewer Inspection
Your sewer lateral is an often over-looked home system that can have significant financial ramifications if it fails. Let us schedule a quality local sewer inspector to evaluate your sewer lateral during our home inspection.
Radon Inspection
Radon is reported as the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the US. It is product of decaying uranium underground and tends to gather in basements. We can schedule an experienced radon testing agent to determine the radon levels of your home.

Mold / Allergen Testing
Home air quality is important, particularly for home buyers with health concerns. We can perform home air samples to test for mold and allergens and have results back in roughly 48 hours.